Harvest Time at Acetaia Guerzoni: A Celebration of Life, People, and Nature

Harvest Time at Acetaia Guerzoni: A Celebration of Life, People, and Nature

The harvest season at Acetaia Guerzoni is a time of festivity, marking the celebration of life, people, and nature. This year, the harvest will commence earlier to enhance the organoleptic quality of the grapes, which are still not fully mature.

In a bid to improve product quality, Acetaia Guerzoni has initiated a collaboration with the University of Modena and Reggio. Lorenzo Guerzoni, the owner, explained, "By harvesting the grapes a bit earlier, we can achieve higher acidity levels due to acids like malic, tartaric, and citric, which are preferable to the acids produced later from sugar fermentation. We aim to select the best strains of yeasts and bacteria for optimal use. All our initiatives undergo rigorous testing in our laboratory, and we anticipate being among the pioneers in testing balsamic vinegar."

This year's harvest promises to be more abundant due to the adoption of new techniques at Acetaia Guerzoni. However, the estate will lose a small portion of grapes to "peronospora." Fortunately, the estate was spared from the recent hailstorms that affected nearby areas.

Lorenzo fondly describes this time of year as the most beautiful, with stunning landscapes and vibrant colors. Nature is at its peak, and even rare insects play a crucial role in preserving the grapes.

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