The biodynamic agriculture and the soil life

Biodynamic agriculture was born in 1924 from the desire of a group of farmers to give their consumers a product full of vital forces. At the time, chemical agriculture was already spreading and they wanted to cultivate while remaining more in tune with nature. For this reason, they began to practice biodynamic agriculture which is sustainable, gives a healthy product and improves the environment The first thing the biodynamic farmer focuses on, is the life of the soil, because the health of the plants and consequently of the human being who feeds on, it depends on it. We can observe the rhythm of life of the soil starting from the autumn period because it is the moment in which nature dissolves most of the plant organisms and incorporates them in the soil. In the Fall, the soil prepares to carry out the most important task, which is to store forces to be processed during the winter and then express them in spring and summer through a luxuriant growth of plants. It is precisely in this period that we proceed with the organic fertilizations and with the spraying of biodynamic preparations.
The organic fertilization consisting of compost or even the leaves that fall to the ground is "digested" by the soil in the winter. In winter, in fact, the life of the soil is particularly lively and, while on the surface the plants are almost dormant, in the subsoil microflora and microfauna work hard to bring balance between the different organic and inorganic components. To support this intense activity in biodynamic agriculture, soil preparations are based on bovine manure. Biodynamic preparations stimulate the genesis of humus, make the soil softer and more aerated and promote root growth. When the quality of the soil improves itself, it means that the microflora and microfauna biodiversity has increased which strengthens the resilience of the soil. Resilient soil has a greater ability to withstand stresses such as prolonged drought or very heavy rains. The soil improved with biodynamics during drought retains more moisture while if the rains are very abundant it manages to penetrate the water in depth without creating rot. Furthermore, a soil rich of life increases what is now called the sequestration of CO2, or the carbon dioxide responsible for the greenhouse effect and global warming. The microorganisms of the fertile soil retain CO2 without releasing it into the air and light processing does not allow its dissipation. CO2 sequestration is higher in fertile soil than in conventional soil. The biodynamic farms not only improves their own soil but at the same time the whole environment that surrounds it. A soil rich in life also has a great biodiversity of wild herbs that attract insects that are useful for plants and the environment. The presence of insects also recalls insectivorous birds that find a suitable environment for their life in the biodynamic farm. In particular, the rich and luxuriant vegetation and an environment free of poisons and pesticides favor the bees. The life of the soil is also connected with bees, which are the most precious insects for biodynamic agriculture. The Biodynamic agriculture improves soil fertility, biodiversity, improves the quality of products and human life.